One of the best games of all time has lost it's way.
Not only did I sit through hours & hours of fooling around with this stupid "Steam" program. I took 5 hours AFTER it was downloaded to actually get itself running.
Then once it is downloaded, the game is pure cow poo.
The menus are twitchy, The flash on flash off. Sometimes you think its frozen but it's actually just sitting there showing you a crappy cartoon picture because it feels like it.
I did the training.. when i went to go prone my "solider" just went prone in mid air and wouldn't do anything.
Every time I logged back into the game it had deleted the solider i had previously made.
I joined online games, picked my team, then i saw picture of some guys and then guess what? I'm back at the main menu with NO explanation as to why.
This game is a complete failure.
They shouldn't of got involved with Valve in the first place.
It gets a 1.5 for improved music at the menu. That's the only plus from this game.
As a long time fan of America's army, I am now officially removing from from my tabbed bookmarks and i'm putting this game to bed for good.