If they get their act together, this has the potential to be one of the best games ever. However, it's not there yet.
If they could just fix the problems and stop the lag, it has the potential to be one of the best tactical shooter games I've ever seen. Right now, the frustration with just trying to run it correctly makes it a disappointment.
The game crashes many times, the authorization fails, it's impossible to join a server and play the game online... The list goes on and on of the technical failure of the game.
If you can get the game to work for long, you can see its amazing gameplay. Otherwise, you'll be waiting forever to get on a server just for it to boot you right back off.
For AA2 fans, the Bridge and Pipeline maps are back better than ever. The other maps Impact, Alley, and Ranch are definitely worth checking out. My personal favorite has to be Ranch.
If you are still determined to play the game despite its technical difficulties, make sure you do your training. Otherwise, your weapons options online are abysmal.
Many improvements have been made since it's original release and when I first wrote this review. It's doing better, but it still needs a major overhaul by the developers.