Read before you judge! It will be pretty good......
I was one of the lucky people and actually played the game in the amount of hours that I already displayed up so I will completely base my review on something that this game will be in some time when they patch it properly, don't get me wrong I will add all the bugs that are killing the game at the bottom of my review so the people that actually want to play it right now know what to expect.
Ill start with the game play that this game and I repeat this game only can offer.
Its a completely tactical based game and teamwork is a must witch was not the case in the older versions of this series. If you don't play like that you will get killed quickly because people always move in groups of at least 2 and when you pop up like a rambo :D you will take one or maybe even both of them if your good but the next one will take your life, on the other hand if you play like a team (best with friends on ts) your own everybody.
So the game forces you to play in a team witch is good. A nice feature is built in TS3 witch allows you to communicate with other if they want and make the game even more interesting.
When you finally get to a server and play after you finish all the training (not hard at all) you will find that the game play is very good and addictive, the movement of the soldiers are the most real that a saw in any game to day. The tempo of the game is quite slow and there are no re-spawns and people who play CS or COD series will find that not so likable as some rounds take almost 10 min to finish and if you get killed at the start you will end up watching other play witch is not fun but I like it like this it makes you work hard to stay alive and win the round.
A nice feature is that you can start a vote during game play on a server to change the mission tip (vip, take and hold, assault-defend.....) or even the map if others want so the game stays fun and its not repetitive for some time when your online.
The weapons are first class, what the army has you use it and it sounds exactly like it shod. Sound is fantastic everything sounds real and it changes like it shod depending where you stand in the house, on the street or somewhere in some fields. The recoil is just right and fairly easy to aim and they added a nice feature that actually almost removes the recoil, when you shot you can hold your breath and it minimizes the recoil almost to 0 witch helps a lot when you shot long range. The training progress gives you the opportunity to customize your weapons with lots of great features witch help you a lot if you make the right choice depending on the map you play (close combat, long range.....). Another good feature is mele and it comes in very handy if your out of bullets as you can beat a enemy to death with it if your close enough and it looks very funny (saw it only once by one guy).
The game has real ballistics so the bullet can (in theory) bounce of something and hit you but I really did not see that one yet.
Another interesting thing is when you get shot in the head your dead, if you get hit in the arm you cant operate a weapon, and a leg shot leaves you limping threw the map and normally you can bled to death. You can get a proper medic help from your team mate to stop all that mentioned before.
The missions are very good and every time you start from a different spot at the map and enemies are quite hard to hit if they move quickly or use a good cover. The teams swap sides every six rounds so there is no room for those hard core camper that always played in def in previous versions so your forced to play on both side witch is good.
You get different achievements depending on your game play one of my favorite is "against all odds" where your left outnumbered and solo to complete the mission and you do it. There is 20-30 of them and some really sound hard to get but that all makes it more interesting.
One more good this that enemy can incapacitate you but your team can bring you to life with proper treatment if the enemy dosent confirm your death or shots you to death.
Game is quite fun try it it wont disappoint you if you get it to work.
The graphics are pretty decent nothing special but not ugly or very old.
The are only 5 maps at the moment (2 classics pipeline and bridge who is completely redone) and 3 new, they all are very good and fun to play.
So this is my review for the game that will hopefully work like its supposed to after some time if not Ill change the score to one that is a lot lover.
So the bottom line is:
Game-play: 8.5/10
Graphics: 6.5/10
Sound: 10/10
Features: 9/10
Know to mention all the bad things that makes this game a mess in this moment and practically unplayable for most people.
First the game menu is horrible when it loads it lags so hard that you have a personal battle to click on anything (note if you force to much the game will crash).
Then there is this authorization server witch is the biggest problem from pragmatic that keeps crashing under the load with so many people want to play the game so you cant log in to the game most of the time and when you log in it doesn't save your progress when you complete trainings so online you don't have anything expect a standard rifle if your lucky enough to even get online because again it cant process your account so you get kicked out of every server if you even get lucky to find a empty server to get in because there is only like 60 of them and there are FULL all the time!
Official explanation is that they did not expect so many people trying to play this but it gets better every day so now it is a little easier then 3 days ago.
Then when you finally get in the game runs like crap you need a super computer to run it with all problems with optimization (I have a super pc so its not a problem for me).
Then when you get in the game there are minor bugs like weapon disappears from your hands or nades don't show when you throw them but this is very rear it happen to me 1-2 times during 30 hours of playing so its not a big deal and it happens to most games upon there release a few patches and it will be fixed.
There is also lag but its not horrible like some say there are even server without it so that's not a problem.
So the bottom line is patience if you want to play it right now, the problems are not big when you actually get in the game on some map, its very fun and addictive. This is the opinion of the majority of people that I talked online that were able to play the game they all said if they fix the authorization server the game is more than playable and its surprisingly good.
Just to be clear if I rated the game as it is it cant get more than 3 because of all the problems I mentioned but it will get fixed in time and it will be quite good.
My review of this.
ps. sorry for the English its not my native language