Gameplay: Ridiculous lag from auth server issues, possibly from the game itself. Half the time the game is not playable from that alone. Other things, oh, here's a fun one: Bullets that won't register (even 30 round full auto shots at point blank) way too frequently. They took out sniper rifles as far as I can tell also. I was never a huge fan, but it added variety at least. Even with no lag, the character movements are so rigid and clunky. The feel of AA2.0 was much nicer. Further, you can no longer jump. I thought it was a decent addition at first because it got rid of bunny hopping, but they implemented a mostly broken system of hoping over obstacles, so now it's just more frustrating. Here's another fun problem, sometimes your squad can spawn next to the enemy spawn and take out their entire team right as the match starts. There are more problems, but I can't think of them at the moment.
Positives: The updated medic system is excellent. Now you need to choose what treatment to provide instead of just holding E. A nice little touch. That's honestly the only thing I like about AA3.0
Sound: The weapon sounds are awful. They sound like muffled firecrackers and are way too quiet. It doesn't sound like we're in the middle of a warzone even with a bunch of people shooting at each other.
To conclude: A lot of people are saying, "give the Devs time to fix the auth servers before judging," but there are A LOT of problems with this game that are unrelated to their server issue. I'm shocked they took a major step back from AA2.0, but that appears to be the case.