Awesome team-based game with highest realism possible. Powered by UnrealEngine3 so has big potential.
1. VERY high realism - folks from d-team had access to "real stuff" from US Army, so instead of used aproximate weapons simulations - they are using real ones. Same counts for voices, movement and etc.
2. TEAM-PLAY - haven't seen such teamplay in any other game. This game is built with teamplay as it's main goal. Mostly you are creating your own soldier, giving him name (account) and then - you have your own personal advancement statistics (skills). If you want to get to the higher rank - you have to improve your own skills. That can be made even by runing after your team everywhere (by sticking with your team - you are improving your "teamplay statistics"). Also healing, accepting commands - everything counts. Even things like - your teammate has neutralized an enemy and you came to his corpse to confirm his death, counts.
3. RANKS - this thing is awesome. Game is built in such way, that ranks actually shows your expertise - i.e. higher rank shows that you have been playin' this for some time and you know what to do. "Privates" who just began playing - in most cases trying to stick with you. In first days playing this - I have made it up to "Private first class" and since there were no other teamm8s with such or higher rank - they were continuously asking me switch positions to teir commander.
4. FREE - game is absolutely free and there are no such things like I saw in "Battlefied Heroes" - "free game, but customizations hs to be bought". So no, there are nothing like this here - game is absolutely free and can be downloaded either from their site or via STEAM.
5. Powered by UnrealEngine3 - game gas lot of potential to expand - graphicaly and physically, so don't be surprised if half year latter game would look like mix of "Battlefield2" and "UT3".
SUMMARY: Game has lots of bugs and should have been delayed, but if d-team will continue releasing patches in such speed they are now - this game will be one of the greatests team-based games in few months.