the gameplays solid, and the sound is a bit laughable and the graphics?,well there not good there a bit ugly,good.

User Rating: 7.9 | America's Army: Rise of a Soldier XBOX
Americas army is is overall pretty good but not great,what it is with americas army that the graphics are bad one game that the graphics are so ugly there laughable.But the good things are the character creation and the gameplay elements,and the sound is alright,a bit laughable with the voice acting again.

the good bits are that you improve your rank from pvt(private)to special forces team leader and that you feel you've achieved something.That makes your characteristics improve and you improve your skills like lif saving,but all the trainings a pain because when you move away from a training instructor you have to listen to him again.With these bugs like the graphics could be improved with games such as brothers in arms ther should be no horrible graphics like these,but give it a try, you may like it.