Ugh...this game is clunky and overrated. SOCOM is a much better game, and THAT game s nothing compared to Half-Life!
HIGH POINTS: The concept of the game is cool. Shooting Bin Laden clones is a fun diversion (if not a stereotypical one) and the idea that you are involved in a part of history that is happening now make for an engaging game. Also, the military speak and characters make you really feel like your in the army. I also liked how you could allocate points to different traits, allowing you to customize your character.
LOW POINTS: MECHANICS!! Wow...The aim on this game is TERRIBLE! I would stand my crosshairs on a target for a solid 10 seconds, LOCKED ON, and when I pulled the trigger, the trainer would say I missed. HOW? Because I shot the same target twice? Lame. Also, the graphics look like Rosanne Barr at a run-down bar, pretty lame and in really bad shape. Also, the levels are REALLY generic. Train to become a solider, shoot arabs, and run through a generic city. Hell, I could do the latter two on my next trip to Chicago. Also, the different specializations that you can choose (rifleman, sniper, etc.) seemed cool at firswt, but once you realized its basically the same training, semi-action, action sequencing of the other specializations, this feature gets stale before its time. Also, the fact that you have to stay with your team and do everything the predetermined 'team way' may make for an true to life game, but it doesnt make for a fun one. Sure, I don;t think that your avatar should be a one-man killing amchine, but I also don' t want a game that tells me everything I hav to do either. Let me figure stuff out myself! Make the whole 'we tell you what to do' thing an adjustable option, or part of training. Aren't O good enough to command the squad? You already talke me into playing this trash...isnt that enough?!
THE SCCOP: Not a good game. Everything this game has to other, besides the 'high points', are generic and have probably been done much better in a previous game. Do yourself a favor, if you REALLY want this game, download it free from Otherwise, if thats unavailable now, try a much better shooter, such as Halo, Far Cry, or Half-Life. Hell, I hate SOCOM, and its TONS better than this excuse for a 'game'. If you jsut MUST try this game, PLEASE RENT IT FIRST! Don't waste your hard earned money on this flop o' crap.