This game would have been great...if it was half it's $50 price

User Rating: 6.3 | America's Army: Rise of a Soldier XBOX
I will start this off by saying that the original Americas Army is downloadable of the internet for the PC for free. This game's graphics look like it is from 2002 and with the exception of pretty muzzle-flashes, the game can be considered ugly to look at, with blocky character models and jaggedy terrain. Same goes for the sound. Voiceovers are terrible they suck the life out of the game when ever you hear someone say something. There is one positive feature in the game, the new RPG-like advancement system which lets you improve various qualities of your solider (marksmenship, leadership, and life saving) that all effect how you do on the battlefield.

I will sum this up quickly do not get this game (until the price comes down)instead look at these:

Close Combat: first to fight
Full Spectrem Warrior

NOTE: both of these games have been used by our armed forces to simulate combat.