A necessary download for any fan of MMP. And it's free.
I went through Airborne School, and the Airborne school they have in the game is really neat, but short.
Here's the gist of it all, if you've never played America's Army before. Players start out by going through Basic Training, you then have the options of going to additional training after that. Right now, you can go to Airborne School, Combat Lifesaver School, Special Forces School, and if you qualified expert marksmanship in basic training you can go through Sniper School. All these schools allow you extra abilities or unlocks special missions only accessible if you complete that training required for that mission. Kinda like the driver's licenses needed in Grand Turismo.
Every couple of years the Army produces updates to the game, all you need to do is to download the upgrade patch, for free also.
There's no fees for playing the multiplayer game. If you become a huge fan, and want to blow the extra cast, then you can rent a server that you and your friends can play on, and be the administrator of that server.
If not, you just log onto any of a number of servers out there, different skill levels, different missions, it's all free.
In some games you build up experience points. In AA you build up Honor points, same concept though, just a different name so the Army can be a little more "politically correct."
I hope this review affects your decision to play in a positive way. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
Now get your ass out there, download the game, and go kill something soldier! HOO-AH!