Game is great in multiplayer but if you screw up once in training (later levels) you want to cry :( to fun to let go.
Single player training really is informative but if you mess up on a test or just want to take a break there are no savepoints in the middle of training levels so one mistake will have you crying over how you have to listen to a 20 minute slideshow again. And dont even think about minimizing the game during this because the teacher will stop talking at the end of the slide and wait for you to maximize the window again.
All in all i like how you have to train alot before even getting into the multiplayer.
The (shooting house) is the last beginers training levels to get into the multiplayer action. And let me just say this isnt a walk in the park for you have to get 10,000 points or higher to pass and with friendly targers and timed rooms to take out it makes loosing points easy. But it gets you prepared so the hard time you will have in the beginers multiplayer levels where you will be kicked around so much that you will go back to training to get more multiplayer maps unlocked so you can play with better weapons and better maps.
Last but not least i think that if love fps that take some thought and not cheats in multiplayer( because punkbuster takes care of it.) But you want to spend alot of time undertanding the game insted of running out and getting powned in the first 2 minutes or 30 seconds (which happend about the first 30 round i played) then this is the game for you but if you want alot of run and gun (battlefield 2) gameplay (which is considered to be realistic by who?) then this isnt the game for you. i rate this game a 9.8 for the sound and everything is great ex. for the sound of you sargents voice that you can tell has a room ecco feel even when standing in the outdoor training levels.