There's not much to say about this wanna-be wii sports bowling game...the game mechanics are exactly the same here but the graphics aren't as good. Only a few players to choose from with no option to use your mii. There are a couple of minigames to try but none of them are as fun as the ones offered in wii sports. The music is annoying and the player voices are...stereotypical at best (even racist!) Don't even rent.
Gamespot reviews require at lease 100 words but this game is so bare bones and not worth anyone's time I don't know what to write to fill it up. Here's a little song.
The lanes feel like they're about half the length they should be and balls speed down them much to fast. The physics are ok but the control is not as intuitive as Wii Sports. The graphics are ok but the characters were... Read Full Review
This game has NO redeeming features whatsoever. I can't believe it hasn't been universally panned online yet. I can only assume it's because no one else has had the misfortune of playing it. If you feel a deep longing fo... Read Full Review