why, oh why

User Rating: 2.5 | AMF Bowling Pinbusters! WII
Let me get this out of the way first. This game SUCKS! first let me talk about the graphics. Its like a clunky ps1 game. All the characters look boxy and distorted. The art is also pretty strange. The game boasts "reflection and neon effects". All this really is is a white streak on your ball. The game lets you choose between 7 different lanes. Let this sink in. I got more lanes (12 more to be exact) of a game I downloaded off of the internet. For FREE!
The animation is very clunky cause the game only has like six different animations.

Lets get to the audio. Very bland. VERY bland. The songs for the lanes are short and repetitive tunes. The voice acting, consisting of grunts and phrases like "I ain't going down like this!" get old very fast only having about 4 different phrases per character. There are only 2 different sound effects. The sound of a ball rolling and hitting the pin(s).

Gameplay is probably the worst part of the game. To throw the ball, you hold the Wiimote in front of you, hold the B button, bring your hand back, and forward releasing the B button. To spin you twist the Wiimote while going forward. Problem is, the game can't tell if you twisted your hand and if so which way. Sometimes while throwing a perfectly straight ball it went to the side. The aim is also off target.

Here's my opinion. Stick with Wii Sports! This game is broken in alot o' ways. Multiplayer is the only real thing to have interest in, and even if you think this is some fancy liscened game of bowling, go away, 'cause its not.