Save your money, just stick with WiiSports.

User Rating: 2.5 | AMF Bowling Pinbusters! WII
Story 1/10:
-No story, just bowling
-The characters are kind of stupid

Gameplay 2/10
-Copies pretty much from the WiiSport bowling. No new games or features.

-I found WiiSports controls to be more accurate. Also, in order to through the ball you have to swing your arm 5times faster than on wiisports for the thing to register, which is hard to control. Thats why I give it a hard rating on the difficulty.

Sound 2.5/10
-Nothing too outstanding about the sounds effects.

Graphics 5/10
+I liked the colorful bowling alleys, but there were only a couple to choose from.

Fun 1.5/10
Don't waste your money, just stick with wii sports.

Overall 2.5/10