An intense horror-puzzle game. I get scared just thinking about it.
-Graphics (I played it on the highest setting, looks amazing, especially for an indie game. I saw some reviews where they listed this as bad, don't know what that's about)
-Sound (Adds to the atmosphere, there were too many times a door opening, or even just the wind blowing made me jump)
-Story (I noticed how no one seems to pay attention to it, I rather enjoyed following the story and deciding at the end of the game what I wanted to happen)
The Not-So-Good:
-Puzzles (Most are fairly simplistic and if you actually read notes and such you should be fine, but some are given absolutely no explanation on how to complete and are a pain to figure out)
-Glitches (I personally had no problem with this, but I've heard of monsters getting stuck on rocks, or bottles seemingly jumping in pots of acid)
Overall, this game is well worth playing for a good scare or two. I played it approximately 8 hours to beat it, and I haven't played any custom stories or Justine yet, though I kind of want to.