There are mixed emotions, but i think it hits the spot.

User Rating: 8.9 | Amped 3 X360
I was never really into snowboarding games after ssx. I always lost at that game, i could never get better, i mean i really stunk at it. But this game is way better in my opinion. It has great graphics, and while its on the weird side, i think it just makes it funny. Snowboarding around in a big fluffy bunny suit is more comical then gay. This was one of the better launch games. Although it could have had more time on it, if it's the only snowboarding game then I think i'll be pleased. The controls are 100% accurate, making smooth moves and really nice air. One of the best snowboarding games.

The sound is pretty reallistic, but the soundtrack , unfortunately, is a little to one side of music. Punk Rock. That is a popular style of music right now, but I dont think that it's that popular to be the only style of music, so that brings the games rating down just a bit.

And what is up with Quazzark god or made me laugh the first couple times but it was weird. Oh well, its still a great snowvboarding game and my favorite launch.