This could be one of the top players on the market... if it wasn't for the bugs.
If you are into medieval fantasy take the portal into the Shadow Lands and uncover the secrets of a long lost civilisation which fell to its own flaws in a setting with magic with faerie-like creatures and mysterious medieval styled swamps.
Sounds good? It is. Funcom has an uncanny knack for having good ideas. However, they are sloppy and to some extent unskilled when it comes to implementing their ideas. A lot of memory holes in the client make the software hungry for memory, dozens of scriping bugs flaw the image of a good game.
If you decide to play this game be prepared for a massively huge game world, advanced game mechanics that even surpass the already complicated system Everquest deployed and a rather tight-knit community... of hardcore gamers.
On the long run be prepared to get fed up with the many bugs and flaws the game has, and leave with a weeping eye, over a paradise lost... both gameplay and technology-wise.