SEGA & Platinum Games Reign Supreme with MaXX Anarchy , Godwork m_(-_-)_m

User Rating: 10 | Anarchy Reigns PS3
Anarchy Reigns brings back the fun in video games & that too at a cheaper rate , Street Of Rage + Hack n slash brawling + awesome character + lots & lots of killer attacks which your fingers can actually memorize unlike a certain NT DmC Game

Rampage Mode WTF is that , like i already didn't have enough trouble button mashing like in God of War , why was it taken up a notch by making me look at the screen & switching between mashable buttons , for instance it starts with lets say mashing X then it jumps to O then maybe a 3rd button , it depends , sometimes you are o0f the hook by just mashing 1 button , though i love the challenge to learn it ^_^

Tutorial & simulation mode help you to get a trip on the controls & are very helpful in learning the variety of awesome moves ,combos & rampage moves which are finishers of the game given a fancy term . I Also played online MP Simulation & it started with me killing 2 bots & then skynet stopped playing possum >_< , got annihilated 3 times ;_;

The story looks decent but it's the return of the PS1 old school brawler style is that what matter , controlling Jack feels like controlling a guy named smasher from one of my favorite PS1 games " Fighting Force "

Old school lives again & for $30 you get a masterpiece with a limited edition featuring BAYONETTA , no one in the world can go wrong with this game , if you are not getting it , it's your loss --->>> WORLD