and 1 is good it deserve'shigher than a 4.7 i mean it deserve's a 8.2!.i like it.
and 1 is a good game,ok i know the gameplay is a bit old fashioned but with the i-ball controls doing all crazy tricks like makes it fun.
and with all the players from and 1 are in there like1/2 man1/2amazing
and create a baller it makes it interesting,ok i know the graphics aren't brilliant and the sound isn't the bast but the core game is good.
black ops have done better this time than street hoops because street hoops was bad and the graphics and everything else was bad. street hoops didn't have any atmosphere at all, and that was the worst basketball game i have ever played,ever!
and 1 is tons better than street hoops because least black ops have'nt done a really bad job and they done and 1 better than street hoops.
i really enjoy and 1 and i think it is good.