This game is very funny and entertaining with tons of things to do and tons of levels to play. Definitely worth buying.
Gameplay: Extremely fun! It has a ton of levels (there are three chapters, and each has about 60 levels) and each of them are particularly different in difficulty and style. The pigs sometimes are in towers of stone, or underneath a bunch of rocks that can tumble everywhere. The difficulty gets harder when they get helmets on or get really big and fat. These you'll have to hit more often or get things to hit them to kill them. If you kill all the pigs and you have leftover birds, you'll get 10,000 points for each bird. Also, depending on how well you do, you get a 1-3 star rating. If you really want to, you can try and complete each puzzle like this. It is challenging, and on occasion becomes far too repetitive, but its still fun.
Controls: I have had a couple minor problems with the controls, but overall they are pretty much perfect. However, if you do mess up, you can just reset the level.
Sounds: Kooky, silly sounds that the birds make. There isn't music in the main game, but the menu music can get a bit annoying after a while. The explosion sound effects are very good, and you can listen to the birds "sing" never gets old.
Graphics: Cartoon images are awesome, the color is nice. Very Good.
Replay: It is, like most I-Phone games, playable over and over again.
Unlockables: In this game, there are very literal easter eggs, or rather, they are gold eggs that give you a hint to find them. Some will have you look in specific areas, while others will have you try and hit an object in the main game.
Gameplay: 7/10
Controls: 9/10
Sounds: 8/10
Graphics: 9/10
Replay: 10/10
Unlockables: 9.5/10
In conclusion, this game is very fun and definitely worth your money. Anybody would like this game, and hopefully a sequel with new birds comes next.