Far too overrated, repeating gameplay and succes depending more on luck than skill downgrade this technically good game.

User Rating: 4.5 | Angry Birds IOS
After everyone I know having an IPhone hyping about the game, I decided to take a look at App Store Evergreen Angry Birds. The first impression was actually quite good, the controls were simple and smooth running, the graphic was not good but functional and the physics were impressive. But with every level completing, I couldn't deny the feeling something was wrong here. And after half an hour, a cruel truth revealed itself. Although some other birds are introduced with every few levels, variety seems to be nonexistent in the game. Additionally, the stars rating system is not only not providing any form of awards such as achievements or something, but is also quite frustrating, as it is pretty hard to get 3 Stars in certain levels. The physic enginge making getting three stars or not depending totally on luck does not help lowering this frustration source.
In conclusion: Angry Birds is a simple game with a good idea and sweet presentation, which limits itself through its own physic engine and rating system.