Boring Game
Do the people at Nintendo or who ever made this game try? It's a wonder why Nintendo is at the low end of the graphics chain? I don't know what to call it. But PSP graphics are better. Everyone looks like cookie cutter characters, but I supposed there meant to look that way? you know with triangle noses and heads larger than the house you live in. It's what Animal Crossing was meant to be like and your left with no choice to change that.
I really don't know what to say. I mean it was my first Animal Crossing game, and I don't know what you do in those types of games. The control scheme is quite nice. You can simply go with just the wii mote and point and click to where you want to go. Or have the nunchuck do that for you. You can pick up fruit by shaking a tree and picking it up with B!! I know exhilarating. I nearly pissed myself
You move in, make money, make your house look nice, invite your friends. The end....... Very well written
I don't know. I had no fun playing this game. I wondered around doing next to nothing, blah blah blah i wish there was action. This was like a sim cept all your friends are animals.