One thing that I have noticed about each of the main "Animal Crossing" video game installments, is that each new installment seems to be better than the last one. This installment is no exception. When I heard that the Nintendo 3DS version would include the feature of a player becoming the Mayor of the town that they choose to live in, I certainly had my fears and doubts; that is, it would end up being too much work and not enough fun. But I am glad to say that I was wrong in my fears. Customization is more varied than EVER!!!! :D :D :D :D Now Players can customize their clothes, their hair, their furniture, and even the town itself! :!: The variety of characters that might live in a Player's town are wide and varied, with interesting personality quirks that makes them unique and often fun to interact with! :) Interesting new features in this version of "Animal Crossing" is the ability to customize the exterior of a Player's House as well as the Interior, which includes the outside walls and the roof! 8) Other features making their debut is the ability to visit other Player's Towns via Dream World Travel, the ability to dive into the ocean with a Wet Suit, and more new songs, bugs, fish, fossils, and artwork to collect than ever! :idea: One of the most unique features is that the ability to travel to a tropical island comes back into play, and it's better than ever, as Player's can play challenging mini-games in order to win medals that can be used to earn rare items that can't be found anywhere else, as well as find rare bugs and fish that are hard to find on the mainland. With a whole lot of things to see and do, this video game will keep Video Game fans of "Animal Crossing" coming back to play for a long time to come! :P I have, and that's why I have reviewed this game! :o Enough said, true believers! ;)
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