if youve never played an animal crossing game before, forget everything you thought it was.the game is nothing like that
the game starts you off with no money, a tiny @$$ house and a truck load of chores given to you by the local shopkeeper, tom nook. but thats ok, becouse once you gain some money, finish the chores and upgraid your house, the game gets alot funer, of course, this may take a couple off days. the villege, is actualy rather small, but thats ok, becouse then you get more atatched to it and fermiler with its peaple, there are also events that realy keep the game going like the bug off, fishing turniments and fireworks. and sometimes mystereouse visiters come to sell there goods. its surprising things like this that make you want to play this game every day.
the sound is interesting with wierd french acordian music, and gibberish voices. but its nothing to make you extremly exited.
the graphics are very good for ds. but the framerate is not as good as other ds games. making it look lesser then it is. and sometimes the a.i. can be a little funny (villegers walking into walls, bugs crawling strait into water and drowning, ect...)but its nothing drastic.
this game will last you your whole life long. its so awsome. i play it every day. if you want a grait ds game to get that will last you a looooong time, buy this game, not rent, buy.
i didnt play the online yet, but im asumeing its good.