A great simple, portable, errorless, fun and collective game
User Rating: 9 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
I gave this game a 9.0 out of 10 because its a simple game that gets no lag no errors its very fun and you can do alot and you can collect alot of thing throughout the game. you catch bugs fish which are seasonal and rare and collect paintings and fossils which can all be donated to the museum or sold to tom nook ( the local store ) or you can give it as gifts to your neighbours. as this game is error less and lagless there is no actualy annoyence when playing this game the controls are simple and creative and its amusing to play for hours. of course this game runs on real time so no playing through a storyline or skilled play needed. just play it day by day and have fun along the way. with events such as acron festival christmas and haloween and also events like fishing tournament and bug catching tournament. your town also gets a native fruit which is worth 100 bells( the currency in animal crossing) when sold to tom nook and 500 for unnative fruits such. there are also collective set items like the mush set and the modern set. you can collect 56 types of fish some that are common like seabass that you can only catch in the ocean and rare ocean fish like red snapper more rare ones like barred knifejaw then the most rare of all time fishes like coelacanth then theres the freshwater fish like the common black bass the slighty rare rainbow trout then there is the angel fish which is very rare then there is the koi which is even more rare than the most rare type of all like the arowana and the aropiama these come in different seasons, times and areas and as i said this game goes by real time so it takes alot of type to complete this game. there are also bug types which are similar. but in order to live you need tools such as axe (for cutting down trees) net (for catching bugs) fishing rod (for catching fish) shovel (for digging holes) and the slingshot (which is used to shoot down presents that fly in the sky. you can also complete tasks that give you golden of these items. you can also design cloths ( with a simple design tool ) and create constalations. as this game has not the greatest graphics most people would think thats bad, but no having bad graphics is a bonus, no lag no errors no problem all simple and working. there is also a safe and non anoying online world all you need is your friends friend code and play with him no rooms to join which means your safer you know and trust the person in your room with you and you can trade things or borrow items for your catalog. its 4 people per town so no lag, and your friends can walk around with you and chat. as a conclusion i think this game got big because its all simple and easy i gave this a 9.0 out of ten.