Animal Crossing = Just Plain Fun

User Rating: 9.3 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
Animal Crossing Wild World for the DS is a port of the Gamecube game of the same name (minus the Wild World part). Okay first off I remember when this came out on the Gamecube among other launch titles and I thought to myself "Why would I get that game when I could get Super Mario Sunshine or something". Well many year later after about a month of thinking about getting this, or just saving my money, I decided what the heck might as well see what all the fuss is about. I did and now I'm sad that I didn't get it back then but you know, no use crying over spilt milk. Anyway to the review...

Gameplay-The games gameplay is like The Sims done right unlike the Sims you do not have a whole bunch of stats that you constantly have to keep above a certain level. So you can go where you want when you want, without having to worry about your sleep meter or your bladder meter. You can design your town your town (to an extent) and you can also customize your characters appearance.

Graphics-The graphics look alright but you're not going to get a billion pixel explosion or anything, but the graphics look ok for what going on.

Sound-Sound is great, you can make your own town tune which plays every here and there.

Value-The game is simple fun for anyone.

Reviewer's tilt-If you have a DS you need this game.