Fun for a little while, but it gets repeitive awful quick.
At that point I had only actually played it a week, so a lot of things were new still. But not long after, it goes down hill when you realize the whole games repetitive.
You play and you fish and sell them, or put them in the museum.
You dig for fossels and put them in the museum.
You catch butterflys and stuff.. and put them in the mueseum.
It goes on and on forever.
Occasionally theres a festival that gives some purpose to your bug catching or flower growing or whatever.
But one can only catch so many fish before on grows tired of it.
I still whole heartedly recommend this game, if you're bored and theres nothing else to do, this game'll while away a little time.
But it's not particularly deep or immersive, it's incredibly simple - and repetitive. There just isn't enough to do, regardless as to what you might think.