More charming then fun...
Sound: the music is ok, you can make your own town anthem which is cool but they get annoying since you hear them every time you talk to anyone!
Gameplay: this is not really my kinda game, I found that I was just fishing, searching for fossils, scouring for junk, selling it all then repeat. There are however a bunch of fish, fossils, and bugs to collect if that interests you.You can use any bells (the games currency) you've made from selling items on expanding your house and buying all sorts of furniture to decorate your house with. There are tons of quirky characters that you will interact with as you go through the game. The game has no real story or goal other then to just have fun!
Graphics: the cartoony graphics haven't changed a whole lot, still tons of cute little characters to talk to and have contests with.
Overall: I didn't enjoy the game a whole lot but I would definitely recommend the game to AC fans or anyone who just likes to hang out.