I don't get what makes this game so good... it is very repetitive and nothing FUN about it.
I do not see what makes this game so good at all. Fishing, Catching Bugs, Planting Trees/Flowers, shaking trees is about all their is to do in this game. For what? To sell for money to decorate your house. That is it. So the whole point of the game is to visit someone elses house and say, "WOW, that house 0wn3z" I guess. I mean the NPC's are among the most dynamic I have seen for the DS, but then again their is nothing else to do in the game so they had plenty of memory to program them and the NPC's get to a point where they repeat what they have said eventually.
I mean I play my copy every now and then now. I turn my DS own. Collect Apples, sell them the store for money (bells). Then cut it off, 3 days later or so. I will stop playing whatever I am and for a change of pace, put the game in and do it all over again, since time passes in real time. You have to give your trees time to grow back their apples, pairs, etc. You will find it is the easiest way to make money in my opinion. If you find yourself working secondshift at your job, you may tend to hate this game, as you will find that the 2 stores (clothes and items) in this game are closed from 11:00PM to 6:00AM(I forget the opening time). I guess it is to deter children from staying up on school nights or something. It is kinda annoying.
I mean, looking at this game, it looks like a children's game, but you will find that some of the complexities of the game require you to be a little under, to fully understand what you are being asked to do.
Also, online play is very limited. You can only visit other towns of people who have your friend code and you have theirs. So that kind of ruins the fun out of exploring as you have to know the person and them no you. So their is no real suprises in the game. Even when you visit other people's towns. Their is nothing you can do there that you couldn't do in your own tow. Except maybe grab whatever fruit they are growing at the time. Other then that if you find joy in fishing side by side, I guess you could do that, but fish seem to be more spread out so fishing side by side doesn't seem pratical at all in my opinion. Their really is not multi-player features that really matter. Nintendo was just saying "look what we can do" and left it at that. Partly due to the fact they think they are protecting children this way, as they (as many Mario Kart DS owners know) do not want people talking to strangers online for privacy issues..
Anyway, I find this game to be way overrated. Unless you like these type of games (where their is no point what-so-ever) I wouldn't get it.