Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS surrounds the player with a "warmy" sense of an actual home!

User Rating: 8.5 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
After a somewhat "invasive" taxi journey, driven by a turtle-like creature named... Er, I have forgotten! Sorry! Anyway, during the journey *YOU* get not only have the HONOUR, but also the RESPONSIBILITY, of choosing the name of the town in which you are travelling to. Also, the basics of choosing a gender, and a name occur! After the conclusion of the taxi journey, you are "delivered" to the town's hall. There you introduce yourself to the clerk whom goes by the name of "Pelly". It resembles a duck-creature, and also it's female. So watch your manners! I'm just kiddin'! :) - Anyway, she ultimately introduces you to a raccoon-like creature named "Tom Nook". He is quite an obsessive creature! However, in his "kind" nature, he supplies you, the character, with a house. I know you're thinking to yourself here;

"Oh cool! A free house!"

Nuh-Uh! There are certain "requirements" that you must fulfill. He informs you that you must pay-off your mortgage, which amounts to a total 18,500 Bells! Now you're thinking;

"Are you kiddin' me! 18,500 "Bells"! What in the name of somethin' green are "Bells"?"

By the way, "Bells" are the currency used in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Anyway, he then insists that you work "par-time" in his store, "Nook's Cranny". Good pun, huh? *Clears throat* Anyway, after you accomplish the set tasks, he "releases", or "fires", you. You then think to yourself that maybe it was all a "CON" to exploit you! And make you work for free! The shame on his part! Anyway. it is a good, no! Great thing as you now have......


*Clears throat multiple times, in a sign of embarrassment!* You then quickly develop a routine of attempting to pay off your mortgage, bit-by-bit, and in doing so, your house is totally "re-vamped"! You get more space for your furniture and also new furniture! However, you can also purchase new, and I'm talking about brand-"spanking"-new, clothing! And a downside is that if you are lost in your routine constantly, you cannot have any fun at-all. Trust me! I've experienced it, and that's the one reason I have give Animal Crossing: Wild World an 8.5, or eight-point-five, "great" rating.

Your freedom in Animal Crossing: Wild World is truly superb! As I have mentioned, you can purchase items, such as clothing. You can also become an Angler! Or fisherman, but not professionally! You can also collect and view fossils, and many more incredible experiences await you!

However this is Animal Crossing: Wild World's only downfall. As I have mentioned previously that routine can soon get.. Well... "dull", and "boring", to say the least.

But Nintendo have tirelessly put effort in to cease this. It does it by announcing certain events, at randomly chosen dates. This is mean't to purposly disrupt your daily routine, and to explore more into the game.

The online content really assists in reviving the game, and making it.. Well.. "Come alive"! You'll explore and discover many fascinating communities.

I just want to point out that I have mentioned all this information previously and this is just a basic overview of the game-play of Animal Crossing: Wild World;

As I've mentioned prior, the main objective of Animal Crossing: Wild World is to pay the mortgage of the player's house to Tom Nook, the owner of a store named "Nook's Cranny". After the first loan is paid, future loans increase as the player upgrades their house. While paying the debt of their home, the player can engage in a variety of tasks, such as interacting with villagers, planting flowers and collecting items such as furniture, clothes and fish.

Animal Crossing: Wild World is non-linear and does not require the player to pay off their mortgage at all. Unlike the previous game, all of the player's characters share the same house and work together to pay off the mortgage, instead of each having their own house.

The game itself uses several of the Nintendo DS's features, including the touch-screen, dual screens and internal clock.

The touch-screen is used for menu navigation and interacting with the surrounding area, including movement, using tools, talking to other villagers, entering buildings and picking up items. The dual screens are used to display the town environment on the touch screen and the sky on the top screen simultaneously.

The internal clock is used to great extent; like the previous game in the series, Animal Crossing: Wild World is played in real-time, which is according to the time on the player's "DS". The environment changes based on the time of day and the season; for instance, from midday to evening, the color of the sky will change from orange to dark blue, and the weather will change depending on the season.

As I have mentioned prior, the game also has its own yearly holidays and
other events, including "Yay Day", "La-Di-Day", Acorn Festival, the Flea Market and fishing, bug and flower tournaments. Unlike the original Animal Crossing, it does not include some real-world holidays such as Christmas or Halloween. However, it does have a New Year's countdown from December Thirty-First, until the new year officially begins.

And the purpose of all these additional paragraphs was to supply you with a more detailed look at the game-play of Animal Crossing: Wild World.


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- ThatGameSpotGuy
