Are you serious?

User Rating: 5.3 | Animal Crossing: Wild World DS
Pros: Addicting

Cons: Possibly the lamest game to ever exist.

There is certainly something to be said for addicting. This game just feeds your desire to collect junk. You want to keep playing it and getting bells and grabbing furniture and junk. It drives you nuts. It pushes you to keep playing.

But seriously, what's the point? I had an epiphany while playing this game last night. I had been playing for several hours, and I closed it before crashing. Unfortunately, I lost power or something and I lost a whole day or so of work.

I thank God for this gift, because it made me see this game for what it is. I initially had this feeling of "OMG!! All my work!!!" So I started to go at it again. There were different items in the shop. There were different fossils to unearth. I started meticulously going through the little world and doing the things you do.

Then it hit me, I hadn't done ANY work. Nothing was lost. I mean, I was down some items. I wasn't getting some of the same stuff. But, seriously, what had I really lost? Nothing. I had some junk instead of some other junk. I was still getting bells and buying junk and putting it in my flat. I was still paying off mortgage. I was still fishing and catching things and collecting bugs and fossils.

I was doing the same thing. And I wasn't any "closer" to anything. What had I lost? 1% of my things? No, they were just a little different. 1% of my money? I'll get it back. 1% of my time? Wait, there it is. I lost time. I sunk a bunch of time into this, and I'm not really getting closer to anything at all.

So, how to I beat this game? Oh well, maybe that doesn't matter. So, how do I complete it satisfactorily. What am I doing here? Collecting things? Yeah, that's it. So how to I know when I'm done? Say I've collected everything. Will I really have any sense of accomplishment? Great, it's over. That was nice. I really liked listening to all that pointless dialogue day after day so I could.... have all this stuff....

The Feng Shui is ambiguous. What do I need to do? Oh wait, I read the guide. Well, you put it like that and it really isn't fun any more. Either you're going for points and worrying about how you're placing your furniture, or not caring at all, and not getting any Feng Shui. So, how is this even an extension of you? I mean, to what extent are you customizing this world just "for fun".

You run around and do the same stuff every day. The people are annoying. The myriad of dialogs you have to skip through to do ANYTHING is obnoxious. And in the end, you really aren't even creating anything that custom. You're just trolling for another blue item you can put in the second square from the top on the left so you can make more money tomorrow.

So, what exactly is the point of all this?