Eh, not what I thought it was going to be, but it's good for what it is.

User Rating: 8 | Animal Crossing GC
Animal Crossing starts out on a train where you ride with this guy that ends up buying you a house in (name of your town). It ends up, to pay your debt you have to work for the owner for the shop of the town. Afterward you have to pay off your debt through the bank and by doing good deeds for people around town. Boy this would've been a great online game for GameCube. The gameplay can get boring after a while but the game has enough surprises that most people will probably never find on their own. For example, if you’re around town at a certain time during the night you'll actually find a ghost roaming the town. The game can get interesting at times and you might find yourself playing for hours. Overall this game is great for people who want to play a watered-down version of the Sims this is for you. But don’t get me wrong the game is alright :/