A Fun Game I Didnt Get Bored Of For 3 Years!

User Rating: 9 | Animal Crossing GC
This game is a good game for the calm peaple person yawn!And i is a game for someone who likes mass destruction heheehehhe!Well you are probaly wondering about the destruction part well let me tell you a secret if a cow moves to your town buy a axe at tom nooks store and you can hit it but it only works on cows.Now in this game you are moving from home and going to a town you deside the name of.You are just minding your buisness when this guy named town nook goes da you dont have a house da realy i odnt care but your guy does so you pay off you dept and money there is called bells and kinda juat meet peaple i realy like it and you even celebrate holidays hehehe.Well i like this game and i guarentee you will!