What a lot of games should aspire to be.

User Rating: 9 | Animal Crossing GC
This is an example of a game returning to what gaming used to be before the fanboys went completely nuts, before everything was about graphics and frame rate, and before developers ran out of originality. This game is about fun, and nothing else. The graphics are what many would consider to be sub-par but I find them colorful, different, and relaxing. The game runs very smoothly and without any hiccups, adding to the experience. The little missions your neighbors give you are relatively easy and the rewards are always helpful or neat in one way or another. Decorating your house and keeping it clean is surprisingly fun, and the only violence it requires is squishing cockroaches. The environment is beautiful in its own special way and even changes with the seasons. I would say a negative for this game is how addictive it is except that the game goes at the same pace of real life. So, the only way to keep going and going throughout the day is to lie to the game and tell it that another day has gone by. If you do that though you either have some serious addiction problems or are very bored. What it comes down to is that this game accomplishes what most games being made these days cannot, its just fun, pure and simple. It doesn't try to be art or cutting edge, or push the sex and violence envelope, it just tries to be genuinely fun, which in a strange way makes it art in itself.