An adictive game that you`l keep playing even if you dont like it.

User Rating: 9.4 | Animal Crossing GC
At first, i didnt really care one bit about this game.One day, a friend of mine came over here with animal crossing and i loved it right away.Maby its not really revolutionary, and maby it doesnt have any good graphics at all, but its the type of game that anyone loves.Its simplicity is somehow charming, and at the same time its addictive.The tunes are cute too, and all the things you can buy and collect is great.Once you play it alot of time, you will think of it as a stupid game, but something will make you go back to your city at least once a year.This is really a must-buy if you have a gamecube or if you have alot of spare time.Another good thing about this game is all of those old NES games.This game appeals to all from young to old.