Freakin awsome.

User Rating: 8.3 | Animal Crossing GC
animal crossing has been a great game for almost 5 years and it is still a great game with the new one out! but i wont compare them, i will tell you about the animal crossing for NGC. the game is all about you. getting on a train, meeting rover and answering questions. than you work for nook and he lets you go, but you still have to pay your loan if you want a bigger house. there is also animals living in your town. they talk funny but you can read what they say. and after a week of playing the animals dont have much to say so they keep repeating them selves. you can fish in this town, catch bugs (bugs are hard to find in winter) and cut down trees. this game goes by real time in case you already didnt know. so it has the same seasons as the real world. holidays will come by. like halloween, christmas, april fools ect. but as for the human holidays there is fake holidays. like fishing tourney which take place every sunday in november. special guests come like jingle (the santa clause in the game) and chip in the fishing tourney. with every holiday the mayor will come and give you a special gift. you can mail letters and send presents (the animals NEVER understand your letter) and you can decorate your house with furnicher and plants. you can keep a garden or plant trees. there is a town museum where you can donate your bugs, fossils, paintings, or fishes. there is a post office where you may save the letters you get or mail letters or pay your loan. the police station is where you check the lost and found, see whats happening in town (specail people like joan, katrina ect. may come to your town) now for my favorite part. going to a friends house! for this you need a friends town mamory card. when you visit a friends town you cant meet their character. but you can send them a letter and buy stuff from their town. and maybe one of their town animal will move to your town! animal crossing is an amazing game! if your thinking about getting it than you better bacuse your mising on an awsome game!

tip for people who have it: if you want the animal to understand your letters than maybe you should try another language. like french or spanish or chinese ect. french worked for my friend!