They're animany, totally insaney, (Evil Dick Cheney)...Animaniacs! Those are the facts.
Anyway, the game on ye old Sega Genesis is a blast. It really captures the insanity of the old show and delivers some just plain fun platforming action.
You play as the two Warner Bros. (Yakko, and Wakko), and their Warner Yes all three. You can choose between who you actually control while the other two follow. And each character has a special power. Yakko has a paddle ball....(sigh, do I have to keep telling you youngin's to look this stuff up?). He uses this to hit people in the head and then they have a seizure. I loved doing that to people when I was a kid. Also, he can move boxes. I guess in the world of Animaniacs, that's a special power...where as in this world, if you can move boxes, then your just a shmuck people only call when they need to and the truck guy.
Wakko has the ability to pound things with a huge mallet. He's really good at good that he can light fuses by just hitting the end of them with his mighty mallet. If only he would use these powers for good.
And Dot can make kissy faces at people..stopping them in their tracks. A perfect weapon for a foul temptress such as she.
Your goal in this game is to run around the Warner Bros. Studio lot and annoy the hell out of people while stealing famous movie props. That's right. They teach you kids to steal things that don't belong to you. Famous things no less. Where were the crazy, anti-GTA, morality protecting senators and moms when this game came out? Hmmm?
The game has you go to different lots and break up movies that make fun of some of Lucas's and Spielberg's most famous movies...things like Jurassic Park, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. The game maintains that fun, poking-fun-at-hollywood feel that the cartoon always did. Plus it maintains the fun bouncy animation that the cartoon did as well. The walk cycle alone is full of life!
Animaniacs is filled with puzzles, familiar characters from the show, and just a cuteness and charm that seem to be missing from games these days. So get this game and play it. Then go around your house hitting the people you love with mallets and stick dynamite down their pants. Because if society has taught us's that you have no choice but to mimic everything you see, play, or read....that's why I'm writing this from prison.