Almost as good as the Genesis version...almost.
The game goes down like this. You play the three Warners...Yakko, Wakko and Dot. All of them play the same though so there is really no reason to switch between them. You make your way through the Warner Studios lot trying to find pages of a missing script. As you do this, you basically go around and bother people. Which I'm sure most of you are used to doing.
You go through lot after lot, running from the rent-a-cop...Ralph. As you do, you'll find yourself smack dab in the middle of familiar set pieces. You'll see homages to Alien, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Terminator, Alice in Wonderland, and a ton of others. All cleverly changed enough so they wouldn't get sued. This was back in the fun days of gaming. Before filthy, morally bankrupt lawyers took over the industry...making sure that nothing was done with any kind of class or cleverness....all out of fear that one lawyer would take the other one to court for having the same font in their game as another one. You think I'm kidding here...but I'm not.
The graphics look a bit dated..but they have a sense of liveliness to them. It all looks like a it should. The animation is okay...not great..but not bad. And the music is insane....which is perfect for the title.
The levels are your basic platformer type of levels...but it changes enough to keep you interested. One level has you paddling a raft away from Jaws with that hysterical music in the background...while another has your riding broomsticks faster than a jackrabbit on a date...well, at least AS have to keep up with him.
As you play, you collect coins....but you don't keep these coins. No sir. As far as I can tell they are instantly deposited in your crippling gambling habit account. There is a slot machine at the bottom of the screen that just keeps playing and playing as you get coins. I don't fully understand it. But I do know it's a great lesson for children. Don't save money kids. Gamble it. The next time may be your big win!
So there you go. It's a charming little game and does everything it can to keep you interested. I'd say overall it's a successful game. And any game that can teach kids to gamble at an early age, has my full support. So get it. Play it. Love it. And then have your lawyer spade or neutered.
Stop the madness.