Original story, that is nearly identical to Diablo style game play!
Anito Call of the land, is a 3rd person isometric rpg, with the same style and feel as diablo. You don't get to selcet a class as you play a druid from the southern jungles trying to avenge his family and find answers. You are have stats, inventory, you dual wield, many magical weapons and armors with differnt bonuses. You have spells like call lighningl, magic rings( non-homing magic missles) . And you gain exp to go up in level, the game uses the diablo mana, health bars, and it is quite clear that that game influenced the creators here. It has a decent plot for a cell game, not the best but it is there with text through out the game, it has a decent soundtrack and great sound effects for spells, hits, and buffs, etc.. The graphics are top notch in this game for a cell, and it has large trees and crisp clear well done sprites and animations. My only complaint about the game is its length, it is kinda short, I finished it after a few hours of play. I know it seems cell phone game makers are always thinking no one wants long games to play on there phones, bull-crap! As long as a save anywhere feature is there, so you can play for a minute or two and pick up where you left off, then make the games long, rpg fanatics like me love long indepth complex games, that is why pc is my platform of choice and not the consoles. In conclusion, if you like diablo, have a well equipped mobile with java me 2.0 capabilities and a 176x208 true color display then you owe it to your self to check out Anito. It is an excellent game that will let you delve into your hack and slash yearnings while you wait for Diablo 3 to come out to pc, if it ever comse. All in all Anito: Call of the Land is diamond in the rough!