I would like to start off with yes it is buggy. The only major concern i have in this area was missions bugging out where it wouldn't clear the current objective. That being said, i enjoy the game. Graphically beautiful, felt like the content was rich. Could have used a little more but with the free dlc's, should make it right as rain. Combat is fun. Weapons, launchables, and ordinances (maining colossus) are all exhilarating to use. Could have used a few more options but i digress. Customization is fun, cant wait to see what other armor pieces come out. Overall 8 out of 10
Other Helpful Reviews for Anthem (Origin Access Premier)
I love Mass Effect (even Andromeda with its problems), science fiction, fantasy, adventure games, I have a weakness for all games and series of mechs. Anthem had everything to make me love him, but unfortunately he faile... Read Full Review
despite some mildly impressive nature scenes, the gameplay is riddled with boring, repetitive missions, with a weak story. Combined with the HUGE number of bugs and issues at launch, I simply cannot recommend this game... Read Full Review