So if this is Anubis II, where is Anubis I?
Anyways, on to this review....
Ok, you wasted your hard earned money on a game & in it goes into your Wii(well it was begging you "Please, give me mercy")
Now you start to say "It reminds me of another game i played(Ninjabread Man)" YEP, you heard right. This game is the same thing as Ninjabread Man, except its set in Ancient Egypt, & your this kind of wolf or something, & instead of a candy cane, you have a Egyptian tool used by the BC. Still, you have the same thing that Ninjabread Man had. Bad controls, bad camera, bad graphics & the other crap.
Get a good game!
I hope Data Design & Popcorn Arcade die in a fire!
Smash this game to make your self proud.
Your character howls like a wolf when he dies
Its the same thing as Ninjabread Man