Anubis himself would be appalled.

User Rating: 1 | Anubis II WII
I received this game from my dad for my 14th birthday, back in late December 2007. It was in a 2 in 1 package with another game called Ninjabread Man - which I thought was a bit odd at first sight... but after tearing off the plastic and trying out the games for myself, I could see why.

I don't know who copied who here, but this game is identical to Ninjabread Man in every way possible. Well, okay, so they're different aesthetically, but that's it. Seriously/ I'll elaborate on their identical-ness in a moment.

First, I'm going to note that the title of this game is very misleading. Even though it's called "Anubis II", this game is NOT a sequel to any other game, alright? There is NO "Anubis" or "Anubis I". Anyway, moving on.

Story - 2/10

Okay, your Anubis, the Guardian of the Underworld... and that's about it. The game has absolutely no intro, cutscenes or dialog whatsoever. There was what I think may have been a short plot summary on the back of the game case, I honestly can't remember what it said, but regardless, there's absolutely nothing that elaborates on it in the game. To be completely honest, the game doesn't seem to have any story whatsoever, just like its brother, Ninjabread Man. It don't think it can even be called a skeleton - "ghost" would be a much more fitting term.

I was unbelievably disappointed. Seriously, when I saw the title, I thought this game would at LEAST have a cool plot line. Boy, was I wrong.

Graphics - 3/10

Unless you're either stupid or completely ignorant of history, you'll know that this game has an ancient Egyptian theme just by looking at the title. In fact, this was the reason my dad bought the game for me in the first place - because I have a thing for Egypt stuff.

The scenery itself is nice - pyramids, glyphs, mummy-like monsters, obelisks, etc. The sad thing is, the graphics are utter crap. Pretty much the only thing thats reasonably well-animated is your character, Anubis, but even he's nothing special. The graphics are cheap, blocky junk like from the days of N64 - and again, this is the exact same case with Ninjabread Man. On top of that, the detail is very sparse and bland and the very limited variety of colors makes it all the worse. Honestly, I don't know how someone could be stupid and brazen enough to release such fugly looking video game. Maybe the designers were too busy shooting up on the job to give a flying f***.

Music - 2/10

Not much that can be said here. I don't usually pay much attention to background music when I'm playing a game, yet I can still tell you that Anubis II's music isn't that great. Basically just quiet, run of the mill rhythms that play in an endless loop, again, just like with Ninjabread Man. Not the kind of cool, jammin', ancient Egyptian tunes were all hoping for.

Gameplay - 1/10

If everything else wasn't bad enough as it is, the gameplay is what takes the cake. Basically, you just aimlessly wander around the level, killing annoying, boring ass enemies and collecting these scrolls in order to advance to the next level. Yaaaawwwn. Very boring.

As for the controls, even worse. Jumping is done by thrusting the nunchuck upwards, which believe me is extremely awkward indeed. I think they would have been better off making it a basic button-pressing thing just like the good games, but alas, they just had to complicate things, didn't they?

Another thing. Anubis's main weapon is the Scepter of Ra, which he swings like a sword. It's SUPPOSED to work by swinging the Wiimote... but half the time, this simply doesn't happen. It's very strange, and it is also a big problem with Ninjabread Man. More than half the time, it simply won't sense you desperately swinging your Wiimote, which makes killing even a single, simple enemy nearly impossible without losing most, if not all, of your health. It's mind bogglingly annoying and will frustrate you to the point where you feel like smashing your Wii through the TV, so beware.

Overall - 1/10

Basically, this game is just flat out horrible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who just goes around giving 1's to games I hate. This game truly deserves it and there's tons of people out there who agree with me. Practically no effort or money went into it, which really is too bad; this had an outstanding potential to be a great game. But the saddest part, is that somewhere in all of this bull is a wonderful game waiting to be decrappified.

To be honest, I didn't get very far in the game. In fact, I never made it past the first level. After several hours of frustrating attempts at trying to work around the horrible control problem, I simply gave up. Believe me, you would have done the same.

I happily returned this game, along with its twin Ninjabread Man, to the Blockbuster up the road from my house a few days later, and I was more than pleased to be rid of them. I was so glad my dad paid less than 20 bucks for both games, because I exchanged them for a copy of Super Mario Galaxy, which is a game I have fallen very much in love with.

Would I recommend this game? No. Effing. Way.

Don't even bother renting it, let alone buying it. Regardless of how cheap it is, it's a complete and utter waste. Save your hard earned money for the games that you will actually enjoy.