APB is not GTA online.
You will often be sent off on a mission against people far higher level than you. When you lose a mission you lose your rank. There are no real levels in APB, only weapons that you unlock as you improve your faction ranks. There missions are given to you and you are expected to fend off enemy players while you complete them. You can also stop other players from competing their missions.
The entire multiplayer aspect, and really this is ALL APB is (aside from customizing clothes and cars) is a campfest involving unbalanced teams. You will often see two versus four where the four are camping on roofs while the two and forced to climb up on the roof to kill them. Problem? I think its obvious.
The VoIP is awful and everyone in the game sounds like the Jack-in-the-box mascot. You have to listen to 8-bit theme songs everytime people kill you. If you like hearing "Still Alive" everytime you die to "RadomPlayer" then maybe this is the game for you.