This game is not just for kids, it´s filled up with fun, its a great choice for everyone

User Rating: 9.3 | Ape Escape 3 PS2
Dont play games for kids, but this game is a exception. Its a great game, and its just about fun. The whole story-line is great, you have a lot of things to catch the monkies and you can also transform to some super-heroes or what. There are normal levels, where you must catch monkeys, and there are also boss fights in the game. At last you must beat the final boss, to finish the game. But the game is filled up with minigames and bonuses. You can collect pictures, movies, concept arts. The minigames are great, for example you can get Metal Gear Solid with monkeys – named: Mesal Gear Solid or Street fighter game with monkeys, these minigames are very funny. This game is great, if you play just horrors, or action games, its a good game for fun between these games