User Rating: 9.5 | Ape Escape 3 PS2
i can totally know that it is safe to say that ape escape 3 is one of the funniest games of all time lol i mean seouriously half of y'all have to agree with this review 1 reason that it is is a great game is because all the monkeys are wearing all these funny costumes and they make all these weird tv shows and you have all these weapons to try to catch all these monkeys and then you have to cancel there little shows really the only things that is wrong with the game is that some levels that sometimes the monkeys are sometimes too fast to catch even with that speed ring but other than that it is a great game.also the great about this game is that you can have this transform suit to make you stronger so that you can catch the monkeys a little easier. and the weired thing is that i have not played any of the other games yet so.. but i'm sure they are great.