unpredictable and hard mini-games

User Rating: 4 | Piposaru Academia: Dossari! Sarugee Daizenshuu PSP
I bought this game and was won over by it's overal cute factor--and great grapghics -It was my first psp game.I liked it at first but after a while the minigames got to me.First off I could not finish em.secondly the instructions were hard to understand.This two major undermining factors contributed to making this game unplayable.
I don't think thert is anything else to say. It also has a practice mode so you can practice the missions you have passed or failed-then again the difficulaty is still the asme and the instructionas are still not easy.Like another reviewer said "You don't know what to do most of the time"These issues really bring down this game.
It is very unfourtunate this game missed the point some how.It is just not as fun(or playable) as I had anticipated.