This is a solid platformer that lives up to the Ape Escape name.
The game starts with Specter controlling a laboratory and send hundreds of monkeys through a time machine and send at different periods in time.
You, Spike, a red headed 4th grader, must go around and catch monkeys with a Time Net.
Thats basically all you do in the game.
But, there are Specter Coins in each level and they unlock mini-games.
The mini-games aren't fun at all.
One is a snowboarding game and that is just you picking a character, and snowboarding, and you can only do two tricks.
The second one is a boxing game and all you do is practice your button mashing skills.
The third one is a race against Jake, your best friend that turns evil, and there is only one race level.
The last is a ping pong and that is actually pretty fun.
Ape Escape is a game that is okay but can work on a lot of things.