Apex Legends X Final Fantasy 7 - All Lunar Rebirth Collection Event Cosmetics
Technically, the Apex Games don't have a rule against cosplaying in the Arena.
Technically, the Apex Games don't have a rule against cosplaying in the Arena.
Apex Legends and Final Fantasy are teaming up once again for a limited timed.
Celebrate Lunar New Year with a cosmic twist, as Materia from the FINAL FANTASYâ„¢ VII REBIRTH Event returns via Rift Relics. Wield the devastating Buster Sword and equip Hop-Ups to ...
The "season of support" continues with buffs for Mirage and Loba.
Apex's latest battle pass includes 60 levels of unlockable loot--including items that can be earned for free.
From Rift Relics and Lifeline Revived to Launch Royale and a new grenade launcher, Season 23 is packed with both novelty and nostalgia.
Go Original and experience the beginning of Apex Legends. Again.
GameSpot spoke with Respawn about the enormous changes coming to Apex this season, the current state of the game, and what its future holds.
"There is currently no reliable way for us to differentiate a legitimate Steam Deck from a malicious cheat claiming to be a Steam Deck."
"The 'version two' thing has almost never been as successful as the 'version one' thing," EA CEO says.
Haunt your way through the Outlands with the return of Trick N’ Treat Trios with Revivals and more spine-chilling surprises!
Listen up, bounty hunter! Dive into the new objective-based LTM Knockout, where you’ll Capture Zones and earn EVO to score points, with the 5 lowest-scoring teams eliminated each round.
Going forward, Respawn will strive to be more transparent about how it's dealing with cheaters and bots.
This week's 10 most popular games look a lot like last week's 10 most popular games.
The Temporal Chaos Collection Event is here to electrify the Outlands!
Apex Legends' latest battle pass can be yours for the low, low price of... nothing.
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