The next game in the Ace Attorney series has arrived.
It's just a pity that there's so little to find in this game. Before playing this game, it should be noted that to play the other three would be highly recommended, to see then and there if this is the type of experience you'll enjoy out of these games. Basically if you enjoy reading, and enjoy a lot of it at that, then this is the game for you. It's witty dialogue and semi-dynamic characters prove it to be an enjoyable read.
It's just a shame that there's not much left to do once completing the game. The fact that there's no replay value whatsoever would influence Capcom to actually include quite a number of cases instead of just four. Alas, this will not be seen apparently.
While a game that can truly be suspenseful and keep you at your wits end to try and solve it, the fact that there's little to be found other than the cases and with it's retail price as is, it's a game only for those who have played the other games and have enjoyed it enough to play this one, and to anticipate the next in the series