One in a million... erm, one of the million Arkanoid/Breakout clones -- decent though
Also; even though it's fun, if you don't like arkanoid. This game may not be your cup of tea.
Unlike the original, I think there might actually be more power-us in this version than the arcade Arkanoid. I mean like, it'll take you surprisingly long to remember what all the hundred or so capsules do. So in some respect, its a great clone and spin off of the classic.
Gameplay is definitely hard if you're not used to this sort of classic. But after a while, it becomes pretty easy.
My only beef with this game is that Breakout and all it's minions haven't aged well. Don't get me wrong, I think this game is good; but most neo-gamers might find this game dull. The basic, run-of-the-mill ball Breakout clone isn't on everyone's minds anymore. There's no flash, no shiny things, no anime kid with spiky hair.
Graphically this game is good for the type of game it is. You don't really need spiny things or blood splatter, and want a simple fun game that wont take you more than 5 minutes a play (unless you're good), then this game is right up your alley.
In the end--this game is worth trying to find. It should be on any freeware site, I'm sure. Either basic Dos format or etc is fine. All versions are pretty much equal in this case.