This Game is definitely NOT for everyone, but if you've got the time this can be a really fun and different RPG.

User Rating: 8 | Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica PS2
Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica. There are a lot of different games out there, but this is really different. This is a fun, although a bit easy, RPG. The characters are somewhat likable and the price of the game is modest($40 in stores) for a somewhat lengthy RPG.

As I said before this game is not for everyone. You will do a BOATLOAD of reading. In fact reading and getting to know your teammates is about all you'll do. So my suggestion to you is that if you hate reading, avoid this game or prepare to do a lot of skipping. That plus some(actually about all) of the girls in this game look like, oh how should I say, sluts. Thats a pretty offensive word but heck. Now that may not be a problem at all, but if you like a nice family environment the girls on this game are a bit extreme.

Moving on, the game takes place on Metafalss. Metafalss is a floating continent in the sky. Its above a cloudline known as the sea of death. Since this continents not really the biggest, the Grand Bell(government of Metafalss)
wants to create new land by singing Metafalica. Hence the name of the game. But theres just one problem, the Goddess of Metafalss doesn't want the Grand Bell to sing. So the Grand Bell declares war against the Goddess and yadda yadda. Sound unique yet?

You'll spend majority of your time on the main storyline and diving. You see farther into the story you'll get these female partners known as Reyvatails. Reyvatails are just like normal human beings except that they can create magic by singing and some require a life extending agent to live since there lifespan has been cut drastically short. You'll create new spells by "diving" into these girls "cosmospheres". While thet may sound odd your just going into their mind is all.In order to dive first you need to have unlocked the next cosmosphere level. This is done by talking to that reyvatail at a rest point. While inside you'll usually just go to differnet places and talk for a while. Some dives are funny, others are weird. Some are just downright silly. Your main goal is to get her to have a paradigm shift, which is just completing level in simplified terms. Once she does this you'll be taken back to the actual game world. There are several reyvatail partners but you can choose only one to go the whole 9 levels with. The others can only go to level 5. After completing a cosmosphere you'll usually unlock a new costume for that character. Costumes can have a wide range of effect, such as an increase in MP. By the way costumes will change what that character looks like in battle, so there a nice addition.

The Battle system is actually pretty fun. The battles are active time, meaning you gotta know what your gonna do and when to do it. At the beggining of the game, battles are pretty shallow. But later on theres actually some depth to them. When you first enter a battle you'll usually select a spell for your reyvatail partner(s) to sing. As you battle their burst gauge(power) will increase and you can either release it when it gets pretty high, or until they run out of MP. The spells themselves are a tinsy bit overpowered. Theres only 1 battle that me and my friend had troubles on.

In case you've heard of that "game-breaking" bug I wouldn't let it dissuade you from buying the game. There is a boss battle before the final boss that tries to use an attack on you that was removed from the game. This will freeze the game and you cant bypass this. So long as your level 50-60 its pretty easy. And after you kill it you can save the game and go fight the final boss, or you can go run around.

All in all this is a really good game. The in-game music is great and the game lasts pretty long(60 hours for me but I read everything). The game is bilingual(English and Japanese) and after you beat it you unlock an extras menu. The extras lets you listen to all the songs and view various pictures you've unlocked. Theres an in-game encyclopedia so you can learn a lot of the terminology from that. After reading all this i'd say you'd do just fine playing the actual game.